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Recent Notices And Circulars

Our Celebration

Founder's Message

Shri. Mohan Swarup Bhatia

“Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.”
– Swami Vivekananda

Striving for academic excellence has always been the hallmark of Gyan Deep Shiksha Bharati and we at Gyan Deep are committed to providing a comprehensive and holistic education which helps develop the children into academically proficient, morally upright and socially well integrated individuals. We infuse the spirit of enquiry in our children which leads to experimentation and thus to invention.

10th Toppers

12th Toppers

Our Happy Parent & Students Says

Glimpse of our Celebrations

Glimpse of our Celebrations

Goverdhan Road, Mathura-281 004

Summer : Monday Saturday   8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Winter : Monday – Saturday   9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

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